Custom Research
Tailored Solutions for Your Custom Projects.
We are committed to providing customized solutions and advice for your unique tourism-related project. We will help you organize your research and identify potential collaboration partners as needed.
Custom Project Cases
Wildfire Effects on Tourism: Travel Oregon gained valuable insight into the impact of the wildfires in their state.
Travel Oregon wanted to assess the impact of increasing wildfires on rural travel destinations that rely on visitor activity for economic benefits. Dean Runyan Associates collaborated with Destination Analysts to survey businesses affected by Oregon’s 13 most significant wildfires in 2017. Travel Oregon used the survey results and economic impact analysis to develop policies for the tourism industry’s response to wildfires.
Winegrowers Survey: Visit Temecula Valley requested a comprehensive survey of wineries in their region located in Southern California.
Dean Runyan Associates surveyed Temecula Valley wineries to provide insight into wine production, distribution channels, visitation, and employment. Visit Temecula Valley and Winegrowers Association used our report for strategic marketing and funding opportunities.
Program Impacts: Dean Runyan Associates evaluates the Nebraska Passport Program to determine its effectiveness.
In 2017, the Nebraska Passport Program had over 8,000 participants, mostly Nebraska residents, who traveled throughout the state. DRA surveyed participants to collect valuable information on their travel behavior. This study combines a detailed analysis of passport program participants and the resulting economic impact of their travel within Nebraska, enabling Visit Nebraska to evaluate the program comprehensively.