Travel Data Platform
Highlight The Economic Benefits Of Travel To Your Destination
TravelStats compiles research from Dean Runyan Associates and updates it regularly with the latest information because it’s live and web-based. It can be integrated into a KPI dashboard with other data.
State tourism boards conduct thorough research, and our customizable platform helps them effectively present their information to the public. Typically, a state links its TravelStats dashboards directly to the research page on the state’s website, and we work with them to create an eye-catching page featuring state colors, flags, and unique research questions.
Travel Oregon tracks the health of the state travel industry from the TravelStats dashboard portal.
Travel Oregon hosts the research it purchases from Dean Runyan Associates and other industry vendors on the TravelStats dashboard portal. From here, they can track the health of the industry across multiple data sources and provide the public with an easy-to-access repository of travel data. Travel Oregon also uses the platform to manage data collection from all the welcome centers in the state. The custom-built web application saves Travel Oregon time collecting and ensuring data quality from welcome centers across the state, while also providing an up-to-date dashboard for those welcome centers to track their performance across time.
Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs) benefit from having all their research in one centralized location. We can update research dashboards and incorporate other data you may have into a single KPI dashboard so that your constituents can easily monitor your destination's health.
Visit Sonoma Valley tracks the economic impact of travel to cities in Sonoma County.
Visit Sonoma Valley wanted to inform city decision makers of the importance of travel and tourism to their destination. Dean Runyan Associates provided city-level breakouts of the impact of travel to the region and compiled the results in a flexible dashboard that can be hosted publicly on our TravelStats platform or privately within Visit Sonoma Valley’s own web application.
Air visitors have a significant economic impact due to their extended stays and higher spending compared to other travelers. To help states leverage this demographic, we offer a free summary breakout of the origins and characteristics of air travelers at a state level and paid detailed analyses at metro, city, and airport levels. All analyses are hosted on TravelStats.
Oklahoma follows the air transportation trends of their top domestic origin markets
Travel Oklahoma pays attention to the air traffic trends of the top 2 air destinations in their state, Tulsa and Oklahoma City. Tracking the market share of origin cities for Tulsa and Oklahoma City allows Travel Oklahoma to manage the focus of their marketing budget and adds further context to the impacts of travel in the state.
“I like to say the team at Dean Runyan Associates is the unofficial research arm of our organization. Thanks to our partnership, we have an extremely strong regional research program that allows us turn insights into action.”
Brian Tucker, Executive Director of Ventura County Lodging Association